SANTA FE RIVER, Santa Fe, New Mexico

These three Contemplation Stations, located along the Santa Fe River, were created for SITE Santa Fe's Going with the Flow: Art, Actions, and Western Waters (April 14-July 31, 2023), a group exhibition exploring the vital role of water in the arid Southwest.


Santa Fe River Contemplation Station I. Photo by Shayla Blatchford.

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Santa Fe River Contemplation Station I: Desert Willow and Elm. 2023.

Santa Fe River Contemplation Station I with Irland's son, Derek.

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Santa Fe River Contemplation Station III: Salt Cedar (Tamarisk) and Desert Willow. 2023.

Photo by Shayla Blatchford.

Santa Fe River Contemplation Station III with Brandee Caoba, Curator, SITE Santa Fe.


Santa Fe River Contemplation Station III. Photo by Shayla Blatchford.

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Interior of Santa Fe River Contemplation Station II.

Santa Fe River Contemplation Station II: Desert Willow, with Max Holmes, Exhibitions Manager and Registrar, SITE Santa Fe. 2023.


above: View from inside Santa Fe River Contemplation Station II.

below: The same view in winter. Photo by Alex Traube.

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Photos sent to Irland (unsolicited) by local Santa Fe residents enjoying the Contemplation Stations.

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see also: Santa Fe River Ice Books


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