HolyWaterseries untitled DesertTides
AlchemyofTears HolyWaterforGanesh Sanctuary

“Rather than impose our human-centered perspectives on other forms of life, we should humbly seek to learn the ways of the natural world and appreciate its inherent sacredness.”

Nathaniel Altman, medical researcher and writer


Be it dew, or an iceberg, or fog, or steam, the amount or form is not important. There is holiness in all of water’s shape-shifting selves. If each of us thought of water as sacred, perhaps, just perhaps, a shift of attitudes and values might occur and manifest through small and large actions of protection and preservation. It is difficult to desecrate that which we revere.


Etymologically the words ‘whole,’ ‘health,’ and ‘holy’ are related. In many cultures there is a melding of medicinal and sacred practices. Water has been used throughout the centuries by every spiritual tradition, whether for baptism, ablution, blessing, or in bowls on altars.


Select Sacred Water projects are available for purchase. Please contact for additional information.

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